
获得fda授权的COVID-19疫苗接种是分社区保护自己和他人的最佳方式. 疫苗阻止了COVID-19病毒的传播,并使分能够回归更传统的操作.

On July 16, 2021, the 分 Board of Trustees approved a mandated vaccine policy which states:

所有的学生, 教师, and 工作人员 must be vaccinated against COVID-19. This includes full-time and part-time students, 教师, and 工作人员.

一次接种疫苗, 教师, 工作人员和学生应通过上传疫苗接种证明,让分 知道他们是否接种了一剂或两剂fda批准的疫苗 分 Vaccination Information Portal.

合理的安排可以基于医疗或虔诚的宗教信仰提出豁免本政策的请求. Forms for both exemptions are located on the 分 Vaccination Information Portal. Medical exemptions require a physician’s signature. 宗教豁免由分豁免审查委员会审查,申请人将在5个工作日内收到委员会决定的通知.

未接种疫苗的分社区成员必须参加无症状COVID-19检测 一周两次.

Due to the high rate of transmission of the new COVID-19 variants, vaccinated members of the 分 community must be tested 每两周一次 作监察用途. Research shows that vaccinated individuals can still transmit COVID-19 to others. 测试 will be offered on-campus three times a week.

Any unvaccinated member of 校园社区 预计 to comply with this vaccination requirement.  分 reserves the right, at the University’s discretion, to 采取额外行动 including suspension or dismissal to maintain the health and safety of our campus community. We will also provide regular vaccination events on campus and through our community partners.   

分社区的成员应避免询问他人的个人健康信息, such as vaccination status.


Face masks must be worn at all times while inside any University building. Face masks are not required when outdoors but they are encouraged, especially when participating in any type of group event or gathering.

另外, students who attend any indoor, off-campus events or activities of registered student organizations must wear masks at all times.

All face masks must meet the following criteria:

  • Fit snugly and securely over the mouth and nose and against the side of the face;
  • Be secured by ties or ear loops;
  • Allow for unrestricted breathing; and
  • 如果是布制的口罩,可以清洗和干燥,不会损坏或改变形状.
  • 在有限的情况下,在大学大楼内不需要戴口罩. If you have a question, always check for posted signs and instructions:
    • 宿舍房间: 住在分宿舍的学生在指定的宿舍房间和没有客人关门时不需要戴口罩,但在宿舍大厅必须戴口罩, 走廊, 电梯, 以及其他公共区域.
    • 私人办公室:  大学员工在私人办公室闭门独自工作时不需要戴口罩. 在公共 工作区 或 ,当员工的工作区有其他人时,必须戴口罩 ;在 所有公共区域,包括电梯,必须戴口罩, 走廊, 卫生间, 还有休息室.
    • Eating or drinking on campus: While actively eating or drinking on University property.
    • 指令: Vaccinated 教师 may elect to remove masks while teaching, but must maintain at least 3-6 feet of social distance.
    • 住宿: 对佩戴口罩社区标准的豁免通常不会被视为  的合理便利. 残疾或健康状况导致无法安全 戴口罩 的个人可以通过 人力资源办公室 (教职员工)或 学生事务无障碍资源 (学生)寻求替代住宿。.
    • 医疗: 个人  需要医疗照顾或 服务 需要暂时摘掉口罩.
    • 其他: 经  校长 或教务长或其指定人员 与公共卫生和传染病专家协商或法律规定明确批准的其他有限例外情况.

学生, 工作人员, 此外,教职员工还应遵守州和市政当局在任何校外场所发布的佩戴口罩的要求.


The University will continue to monitor vaccination rates, 新冠肺炎检测结果以及州和地方卫生专家在秋季学期的指导,以确保社区口罩标准反映最新信息.

分 COVID-19 测试 Program

分社区的所有成员都需要参加分 COVID-19测试计划,具体如下:

  • Anyone in the 分 community who is unvaccinated is required to be tested 每周两次. COVID-19 testing will be offered on-campus three times a week.
  • Due to the high rate of transmission of the new COVID-19 variants, vaccinated members of the 分 community must be tested 每两周一次 作监察用途. Research shows that vaccinated individuals can still transmit COVID-19 to others.

测试 will be offered on-campus three times a week. If a COVID-19 test is taken off campus, test results must be uploaded on the 分 Vaccination Information Portal. Test results from either Rapid or PCR tests are acceptable.

Audits of attestations will occur on a regular basis. 学生, 不符合分 COVID-19测试计划要求或被发现伪造文件的教职员工可能会受到纪律处分.

All members of 校园社区 预计 to comply with this testing requirement.  分 reserves the right, at the University’s discretion, to 采取额外行动 including suspension or dismissal to maintain the health and safety of our campus community. We will also provide regular vaccination events on campus and through our community partners.  

Practice Healthy Habits and Be Respectful

As 分 returns to a typical, 亲身体验, we are committed to the well-being of our community – not just physically, 但情感上.

Each time prior to coming to campus, 分社区的所有成员都应该使用分 COVID-19应对网站上的COVID-19症状列表自我评估您是否出现任何症状. If you have any of these symptoms, you should stay home. You should not enter any campus building, attend any class, or report to work.

Supporting each other as we return to a typical, 亲身体验将有助于分社区的所有成员在工作场所都能做到最好, 在教室里, 或者在校园的其他地方. It is important to lead conversations and decisions with respect for fellow community members, recognizing that people have different levels of comfort depending on the circumstance.


分社区的成员应避免询问他人的个人健康信息, such as vaccination status.

COVID-19接触者追踪 and Quarantine and Isolation

If you have identified symptoms through regular health monitoring, you should visit a symptomatic testing center. For students, you should visit the 戈登健康中心. For 教师 and 工作人员, you should contact your health care provider.

COVID-19 联系跟踪 

All symptomatic 教师, 工作人员 and students must participate in Contact Tracing.

所有的学生, 工作人员, and 教师 are required to ensure current and accurate contact information, including a local address, 存档. Changes in contact information must be updated in a timely manner.

对于任何检测呈阳性的个人,大学通知当地卫生部门当前的当地居住信息. This residence information is determined by where the student, 教师 or 工作人员 member is living at the time the positive test occurs.

Quarantine and Isolation 


如果您未接种疫苗或接种了fda授权的COVID-19疫苗,并且您周围有COVID-19患者, you are required to 检疫 and get tested for the COVID-19 virus.

隔离和检疫 都意味着与他人保持身体隔离 以防止 感染的传播. The Wake County Health Department sets the amount of time recommended for 检疫 for students, 教师和员工.

For more information on Quarantine and Isolation, visit the 分 Quarantine and Isolation page.

隐私声明 Summary

Saint Augustine’s University has implemented the 分 COVID-19 测试 Program to protect students, 教师, and 工作人员 returning to campus. 根据计划, individuals returning to campus who are participating in in-person employment, 临床, 分校园内的教育或其他活动都必须遵守包括每日健康检查在内的措施, 培训, regular COVID-19 symptomatic and asymptomatic testing, 接触者追踪, 检疫, 和隔离. 需要参加定期检测的个人群体和这些检测要求的频率可在分 COVID-19检测计划网页上获得. 将收集和维护与完成这些措施有关的记录,以管理该计划并满足州要求. 我们尊重您的隐私,并致力于提供透明的隐私实践通知,描述大学将采取的步骤,以保护程序信息的隐私,同时确保分社区的健康和安全